Sunday, October 31, 2010


My man is home. He is home, he is home, he is home. At one point, I actually thought to myself, "Am I going to have to bring him Thanksgiving dinner in here?"

After I picked him up from the hospital we went to go pick up the kids at our friend's house. I had to bring the kids trick or treating and I thought that Sean would stay at their house or maybe stay in the car where he could rest. But, not my husband and not their father. He was in the thick of it. He walked and walked with us. I couldn't believe it. He looked so tired but he didn't want to miss it. I couldn't have been prouder of him. For just that moment, cancer didn't have any victory. Sure, it made him tired and it made him thinner and it made him weaker, but he was there. Helping. Loving. Living.


worshiping warriors said...

Jen that is precious. And we are so glad he is finally home! I love you dear friend. Still praying! :)

Tim and Sarah said...

Absolutely beautiful. What a gift Sean is. How glad I am you were all able to be together. Praying for you all!! Love you...